Call Your Sister
Call Your Sister is a podcast for related and unrelated sisters or CYS everywhere co-hosted by Alexandra Hodge and Astrid Ferguson. Every week, Alex and Astrid call each other to discuss the complexities of motherhood, sisterhood, identity struggles, dating as a single mother, sex and much more. We’re real Latinx sisters who are fiercely opinionated, and not afraid to realtalk each other about everything from (men)strual cycles and body shaming to the Platanos versus Yuccas debates and current identity life drama. We highlight women who are both trying to keep it together and got it all figured out. We also care deeply about the lived experiences of BIPOC and Lantinx women who are just trying to get through the week. We’re here for every facet of women’s humanity because we are a community, a nation of CYS everywhere.
Call Your Sister
Are you competing or co-parenting?
In this episode sisters Alexandra hodge and Astrid Ferguson decide to weigh in on a clip from a fellow podcast that went viral. The aries and scorpio podcast shared a clip about a guest that stated "She would rather die on the side of the road than call her daughters father." Naturally, Alex and Astrid decided to share some of their own struggles with co-parenting and learn when to put egos aside for the best interest of their sons.
Parenting is not easy for any parent. Hence, Alex shares the added layer of raising a an autistic child to the complexities and it makes it that much harder. Single moms are overwhelmed and should not have to do it all. The same can be said about single fathers. Although they are not highlighted as often. Co-parenting is harder to do when two parents are constantly competing and expectations on who should be doing what for the child exist. Ideally, both parents should be contributing to raise a child in a positive environment (in the same or different households). Even if both parents don't get along co-parenting can be achieved if the best interest of the child is prioritized.
So listen and let us know what is getting in the way of your co-parenting.?
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Twitter: @CYS_Pod
Email: cysnation@gmail.com
Don’t forget to follow us on our social media accounts:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cys_podcast
Facebook: Call Your Sister Podcast
Twitter: @CYS_Pod
Email: cysnation@gmail.com